Welcome To Our Website
Welcome to our web site and to the Cobbs Quay Bertholder’s Association if you have recently joined. I hope you will make great use of this web site and in particular our loyal service providers who are ready to help you with your boating needs.
In this welcome I wanted to mention Cruising in Company, our newsletter, web site and Facebook Page and Group and how keen we are to get your feedback. Also using the cobbsquayfeedback@mdlmarinas.co.uk contact address and a particular mention of anchoring in Studland Bay which is a key cruising destination and lastly the two bridges.
Cruising in Company
Marina trips are the main reason we exist – ‘cruising in company’. You get the reassurance of going on a trip, maybe that little bit further away, with the support and camaraderie of others. So, we believe, it is still essential that it remains at the core of our offering as a bertholders association.
We put together a programme of bookings for the year but it would be great to have any ideas on where we should go. We try and make sure we choose both familiar and new places to suit everybody.
We decide venues (although suggestions would be welcome) and book the marinas but for 12 boats only. We will open the cruises for booking in early February as usual and, for those who book, we will let the marinas know the names and boats going on the trip and give you details of your fellow cruisers so that you can get in touch with each other.
How you run the cruise is up to you as skippers. It will be your cruise and not CQBHA’s. As well as making the booking, we will provide some information about the passage and the port but planning things will be up to you. That said, we are always available as individuals to give any hints and tips you might want. You decide when and how to go, the route, when to leave etc.
For those travelling on the trips to the marinas we have booked we also have a separate private Facebook group dedicated to use. This enables skippers to organise the trip and stay in touch with each other. Sometimes skippers also set up a WhatsApp group. We have a planning meeting by Microsoft Teams a few days before to look at weather, confirm arrangement and check everybody is OK.
An option we are keen for skippers to consider is meeting as a group on the night before the cruise to finalise any details and plan the departure.
As in previous years we aim to arrange training with Powerboat Training UK to cover the basics of route planning and pilotage to help those newer to boating.
Keep your eyes on the web site and look out for the newsletter for details of the destinations and bookings to start early in the year as well as training opportunities.
Facebook, Newsletter & Web Site
Facebook is now a key part of our communication with you, our members. I think we are getting around 600 followers now on our Facebook page! People are also commenting on and liking some of our posts which is great for us!! If you are a Facebook user keep your eyes out for the pictures and videos of our antics!
We also have the CQBHA Facebook Members Forum group. This is a closed group for Cobbs Quay berth holders only. You join by request, and it gives members the chance to discuss issues, ask for advice, find people to go with them on a trip and much more.
We also use Facebook for things that need ‘instant’ contact such as bridge closures, short notice Local Notice to Mariners (LNTMs) from the Harbour Master and to show some of the goings on in photos so I hope it will be useful to you.
I would be interested to hear what you think about our Facebook page or Facebook Forum – or, if you are a Facebook user, maybe you would like to ‘like us’ or ask to join the Forum?
We send out a roughly monthly newsletter of topical items. If you are not getting yours, please let me know.
Last but not least we have our web site for all the information on CQBHA and as a key resource for weather, marine services and a host of other interesting topics (Please make sure you mention the web site when you visit our advertisers).
Feedback from you
We would love to take it that silence means that we are doing a good job but we need your feedback. Could I ask that you let us know if we are doing a good job, a bad job or if want us to do something differently.
Contacting the Marina Team with any feedback
We appreciate that there will be some good things about your time at the marina but also that there may be ideas that you have or, maybe, things that have not gone so well or maybe need action.
We have agreed a special e mail address with the marina team that will get a timely acknowledgement and response– cobbsquayfeedback@mdlmarinas.co.uk. Please use this to get in touch with the marina team.
Studland Bay – no anchoring?
This is an important issue. The MMO have implemented significant anchoring controls in this major cruising destination. We have worked with most/all other interested sailing and berth holder groups, led by the RYA, to both recognise the importance of protecting the sea grass but also ensuring that there are adequate and safe/practical mooring opportunities.
Please be careful when anchoring there and make sure you are aware of and comply with the latest restrictions and either use a designated buoy or avoid the no anchoring zones – there could be penalties!
Twin Sails and Town Bridges
The Bridges Operating Board (BOB) is the group that agrees lifts times and things that happen with the two bridges.
The BOB meets to decide these issues but meets much less often these days. The marina manager is the Leisure Representative on the Board and we are always in close contact over things that may affect the ease of transit of the bridges.
Please get in touch with any concerns.
In closing, can I wish you safe passage and much enjoyment with your boat and benefit from being part of the Cobbs Quay Bertholders Association.
Jonathan Saunders
CQBHA chairman@cqbha.org